Wednesday, November 9, 2011

50th Anniversary Cruise

For the most we took this South Pacific cruise as one way for us to celebrate our 50 years of marriage.
The following is a pictorial record of the cruise. Actually this blog reads keep poking on "older post" to see the beginning. It was a trip of a lifetime.
The End
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Watercolor Class

While on the cruise they offered watercolor art classes. These are the 10 watercolors that I painted below. They are small.....6" by 6". There were around 50 in the class.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Travelers

All of these pictures were taken in our room before dinner using our 10 second delay on our camera except for the last one taken on a beach in Tahiti.

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Heart Rock

I (Gloria) collect heart rocks. Here is a dandy one found on Fanning Island.
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Monday, November 7, 2011

Room Service

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Our Room #4006

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Our Tablemates for Dinner

Top picture: Gloria, Ed Johnson and Dannie Weston
Bottom picture: Bill Weston, Loesje Sandoval and Richard
We enjoyed our nightly dinners at 8 p.m. in the dining room.
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